After thankSGIVING comes our favorite holIDAY of the year...
Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving. It's a holiday dedicated to refocusing on our communities and the causes that we care about after the hustle & bustle and endless consumerism of Black Friday and other demands on us this holiday season. Making a gift to Queen Anne Helpline this Giving Tuesday creates meaningful change right here in this community that we love. The donations made during this time allow us to keep families stably fed and housed so they can celebrate this holiday season in their homes.
Making a gift to Queen Anne Helpline allows us to keep families, like the ones below, stably housed and amply resourced this holiday season and beyond. We hope you'll join the generous group of your neighbors who choose to give to Queen Anne Helpline this Giving Tuesday, making gifts that make a difference in this neighborhood that we love.
Making a gift to Queen Anne Helpline allows us to keep families, like the ones below, stably housed and amply resourced this holiday season and beyond. We hope you'll join the generous group of your neighbors who choose to give to Queen Anne Helpline this Giving Tuesday, making gifts that make a difference in this neighborhood that we love.
Layla, Alex, and 8-year-old Mia
Layla, Alex, and their 8-year-old daughter Mia came to us recently for help. The family faced financial challenges during the pandemic when Alex lost his job and Mia was diagnosed with health issues, which required frequent visits to the doctor and expensive prescription medications. Despite their best efforts, the family experienced homelessness for about a year, alternating between their car and various shelters, with most of their income going toward Mia’s medical costs.
Finally, after months of searching, Alex secured a new job and Layla found an apartment that offered the safety and stability the family had been missing. However, a temporary reduction in Alex’s hours at work and a resurgence of Mia’s health issues brought on new challenges. Layla and Alex knew that while this new hardship was temporary, it ran the risk of destabilizing their newfound security and leaving them without a home for themselves and their daughter. As they began to seek out help, a friend pointed them to us. The family came to visit our Resource Center and spoke with Margaret, who was able to help them coordinate a payment plan with their landlord. Queen Anne Helpline was also able to cover their rent for the month, allowing Layla and Alex to address Mia’s medical bills without jeopardizing their home. Today, Alex, Layla, and Mia have regained their stability and are looking forward to their first holiday season in their new home. |
Isabelle, a longtime Seattle resident, had become homeless a few years ago after suffering a series of financial barriers and a mental health diagnosis in a short period of time. After a few years of living on the street and in shelters, we were so impressed with Isabelle’s persistence and her ability to finally find an apartment in our area to move into. Presented with the opportunity to be stably housed for the first time, Isabelle was equally thrilled and a bit frightened, especially after seeing the upfront costs of moving into her new home. She came to us for help and we were able to help with her move-in costs, including her security deposit and application fees, and she was relieved to have some of the stress taken off her shoulders. After discussing financial help, we showed Isabelle around the rest of our Resource Center, including our clothing bank, and she lit up! She would be able to not only have a new apartment, but new clothes – she had not been able to get anything new for a long time. Isabelle left our Resource Center with a beautiful new outfit and the confidence that she could afford to move into her new home.
Janel, a Magnolia-area mother with two young children, came to us after her partner left the relationship, leaving her suddenly in a single-income household. Bills for rent and utilities were looming which had previously been paid with both her and her partner’s salaries. Janel had spoken with her employer and made an arrangement to pick up enough extra hours that, with some budgeting, would be enough to cover her rent going forward. However, those new hours wouldn’t be available for another month, and Janel needed help to keep her and her children in their home until then. After learning of her situation, we connected with another local agency and together, we were able to bridge the financial gap and cover part of Janel’s rent for the next month. Thanks to the financial stability we were able to help her with, Janel has now received a raise from her job and is able to spend more time with her kids while keeping them stably in their home.
This summer, we met a local college student named Fernando. Fernando had grown up in Seattle, raised by a single mother in a low-income household. Now in his twenties, Fernando had discovered a passion for a new career and enrolled in a local community college’s credentialing program. Excited to support himself and his family with a career he loved, he became worried when the cost of his rent increased and he was unsure if he could continue to pay for his classes during his last few terms. While discussing his options with the school, Fernando received a list of resources in the city, including Queen Anne Helpline. When he came in to see us, he told us about his situation and we were able to assist with his rent as well as connecting him to some part-time job leads to help with his financial security while he finished his classes. Fernando left our Resource Center with several job applications in progress and a newfound security and hopefulness for the future – he’s now almost done with his schooling and looking forward to starting his career!